Preparing Youth for Independency

Life Skills for Youth

Life Skills for Youth Curriculum is a course developed to help teenagers and young people that by whatever social reasons didn’t obtain knowledge, tools and skills needed for successful independent life.

The Curriculum offers practical training on the base of Christian worldview and values and consists of 10 modules. Each module then consists of 2 to 7 ninety-minute lessons – making it 46 lessons total – that provide basic information and training for youth development. Each lesson can be developed into series of lessons and other topics added if needed, or eliminated if some skills are not needed for a certain group. Teacher’s and Student’s Manuals were developed for each module.

Module 1. Identity

This module is an introduction for the whole course. It introduces the wheel of identity and makes brief overview of each dimension: physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. The youth will start to understand themselves better and learn how to develop different sides of their personality. Despite the order of the following modules that will be chosen for the Life Skills for Youth training, we advise to start with this module.

Module 2: Social Skills

The lessons of this module lay a foundation for social skills development. The youth will learn about different communication styles and will be able to determine their primary style. Next the students will learn the skills of active listening, conflict management, basics of good manners and primary skill of joining the group and keeping friendships.

Module 3. Health and Hygiene

The four lessons of this module teach body care. It includes Proper Nutrition, Personal Hygiene, Bad habits and basics principles of First Aid. Yet the amount of informations provided for the lessons allows to expand each of them into additional meetings in order to touch these important topics deeper.

Module 4. Love and Sex

The topic of this module is extremely important for safety and successful future of the youth. We start the conversation from discussing respect and other characteristics of healthy relationships. Then gradually we move on into opposite sex relationships, understanding romantic feelings, and then continue with God’s purpose for our sexuality and sexual relationships and consequences of being uncareful in this sphere. Along with the knowledge that the youth will obtain, the exercises of the module will help to develop critical thinking and skills of saying “no”.

Module 5: Gift of marriage

This module helps the youth to start thinking about their future family. The students will learn about the questions they ought to discuss and consider before they say “Yes” for marriage with a certain person. They will learn to express care using 5 languages of love and to solve conflicts in marriage relationships.

Module 6: Raising Children

We believe that parenthood is a very important topic, and therefore the training of future parents should start from teenage years. During the lessons of this module the youth will be learning to build a family and meet the needs of children of different ages. They will also learn how the lifestyle of parents and especially of a woman during the pregnancy impacts the health of their future children.

Module 7. Home making

This module is about making your home a comfortable space for yourself and your family. The youth will learn the basic principles of buying, cooking and storing food, cleaning your home and taking care for your clothes and shoes. One of the lessons also teaches the basics of hospitality. And again, each topic can be expanded for more lessons to allow the youth to practice these helpful skills.

Module 8. Time and Money Management

Skills of how to use available resources don’t just come naturally – the youth need to learn these techniques. These lessons will teach the youth to plan and prioritize with their time and money, and also to create and keep a budget.

Module 9. Job Skills

This module is in the process of development.

Module 10. Legal Rights

This module is in the process of development.


Preparing the Life Skills for Youth teachers

For the purpose of equiping the workers and volunteers that will use the Life Skills for Youth program in their work with teenagers at risk, we conduct trainings that will help to understand the teaching principles of the curriculum as well as how trauma impacts children and youth and influences the process of working with them.

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